This is what I have done on the mermaid so far. The little seahorse is the one I made. The feather stitches are done with two strands of bird feathers and one strand of coral silk thread. I dyed the cheesecloth with Lumiere Pale Turqoise Acrylic. I diluted it with water and dipped, very easy. So much fun to do all these different things.
I went to little India yesteray to get some silk for the lining but couldn't find the right colour. They have the most beautiful fabrics and saris there. I will have to venture downtown either this week or wait for the Olympics to be over because that is where all the action is. Too crowded and noisy for me!
Leone, WOW that is fantastic. I would of never thought of dying cheese cloth. That turned out splendid!!!!! I love the feather stitch!
ReplyDeleteWonderful job!!!
P.s. My kids and I love the pics of the hedgehog just too cute!!!!
Ann Flowers
Love your CQ work. Just beautiful!
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